How to open the webshop and benefits of it?

You've decided to start your online business and you are now wondering how to open a web shop. In addition to this great mystery, you certainly are wondering what the benefits of a web shop are.
The web shop is a place where everyone can easily and in real time order and buy the product they are interested in. Opening your own web shop will bring you a number of advantages, from a better and more extensive product marketing to the larger audience you can offer your products. Also, you will definitely be ahead of the competition that has not yet opened its online store.
It all started in 1979 when Michael Aldrich invented online shopping. By using „videotex“ he created a revolution in business. In 1995, there were two major events associated with online commerce and events that have certainly changed this kind of trade, that year two of today's leading web shops had been launched; Amazon i eBay. With the appearance of online stores, various online payment methods have also appeared. So, in 1999, was launched, now known as PayPal that was an alternative for online payments. Just a year later, Google presented its product AdWords and thus changed the rules when it comes to online marketing. Apple started iTunes Store, Skype presented the possibility of calling over the Internet and Amazon recorded its first profit in history. It all happened in 2003. A great role in online marketing and web site development has Facebook. Although it was founded in 2004, it was only two years later that it expanded outside the university. That same year, PayPal introduced a mobile payment service. After that, online stores have grown more and more each year. Today, Amazon has an average of over 94 million visits per month.
The great advantage of online shopping is that your customers can buy at any time and in any place. All they need is internet access. The web shop will work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Physical store is limited by location, and therefore has considerably higher development and maintenance costs than online stores. Also, the online store owner is able to analyze the behavior of his customers through various web tools and thus improve the performance of his store.
The Ministry of the Economy has developed and offered a PDF brochure on the topic „10 reasons why to trade and buy via Internet“. In addition, the Directorate for Trade and Internal Market has also produced a brochure with instructions and conditions for carrying out trade in the Republic of Croatia. Once you've defined and solved all the needs of online shop, it's time to take care of the Internet needs as well. The basic thing is to buy domain hosting for your website. It is very important that you also own an SSL certificate. After that, you should also get a "paymentgateway", ie a system for authorization and billing. In order for the entire web shop to function, a functional and modern web site is needed as well. If you need a web shop creation at an affordable price, Direct Design wil design and programme the shop just for you. After you set up your web site, what follows is the maintenance of the website and its advertising through various methods.
Web site optimization or shortened SEO,is an important factor when it comes to a success of a web shop. It is very important for your products to be well-described with quality photos. It's also important to dedicate your time to the speed of the web page loads because you know that the page load speed affects SEO, an thus the buyer. If your web shop is slow and outdated, the buyer will quickly find another web shop.
At the end, we will share with you one saying that we completely agree with: "You can not just open a website and expect people to flood in. If you really want to succeed, you have to create traffic. "The authoor of the statement is the CEO of Walmart, Joel Anderson. By this, we only confirm that in fact all Internet marketing is important after the web store is opened. In order for your web site launch to go smoothly, contact us if you're looking for a web shop creation.